Big Data Analytics

Why the need for big data analytics solutions? Well, the extreme volume, variety and velocity of information has placed unprecedented burdens on organizations. In a survey conducted on behalf of HPE, only 2 percent of business and technology executives said their organizations can deliver the right information to the right people at the right time to support the right business outcomes.

The irony is that companies have all the data they need. They’re just having trouble extracting, aggregating and analyzing that data in a meaningful way.

PKA Technologies helps organizations take advantage of powerful toolsets that turn clutter into insight, waste into efficiency, and both into competitive advantages. Our big data solutions combine high-performance systems with specialized software that breaks down data silos and performs complex analyses across massive datasets in real time. It’s all backed by robust storage platforms with the agility, scalability and manageability to accommodate ever-increasing volumes of information.

Of course, our personal analytics, otherwise known as knowledge and experience, come into play as we help you find and implement the right big data solution.

To explore big data analytics further, call us. We would love the opportunity to demonstrate in person what big data can do for you.

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